100th organisation joins Southampton Mental Health Network

100th organisation joins Southampton Mental Health Network

A wellbeing charity offering counselling and therapy has become the 100th organisation to join Southampton Mental Health Network (SMHN).

Options Wellbeing Trust, which has a hub at 147, Shirley Road in Southampton, has joined the organisation and its bid to make Southampton a more mental health friendly city. 

Wendy Lee, pictured top, Head of Wellbeing at Options Wellbeing Trust, which offers counselling, therapy, and wellbeing support, said: “We decided to join SMHN because our values surrounding mental health are aligned. We offer low or no cost services that other members can access on behalf of their clients/members and the networking opportunities are great. It also offers the chance to share information and get key updates and the high-level aim of making Southampton a mental health friendly city.  

“SMHN enables people on many levels to come together to discuss mental health issues in the city. It also enables joint working on key consultations and projects around mental health. We would also like to continue joint working, sharing and being involved in research opportunities too.”

SMHN became publicly active in 2019 and current members represent more than 100 organisations. 

Working together, these organisations want to make Southampton a mental health friendly city, ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion for all.

The network is supported by Southampton City Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group through the Integrated Commissioning Unit (ICU).

Abi Mason, Network Administration at SMHN, said: “Working for SMHN has opened my eyes to the vast amount of services and support available to residents of Southampton. It’s really encouraging to see so many people joining together with the same vision and we are excited to facilitate the coproduction of organisations to help make Southampton a mental health friendly city. We welcome Options Wellbeing Trust on board and are thrilled they are now a part of our network.”

SMHN aims to create welcoming spaces for discussion, be understanding and supportive of those living with mental ill-health, boost wellbeing and resilience and improve attitudes, awareness and education in the city.

To join or find out more about SMHN, visit www.smhn.org.uk

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