Creative Writing

Creative writing – poetry: “That’s Silly”

Creative writing – poetry: “That’s Silly”

In Common has a platform for people to share creative writing – short stories, observations, poem etc. Today, we’re sharing a poem from a local writer. Please get in touch if you would like your work to be featured: By Gavandeep Chahal. ‘That’s Silly’ what’s that on your wrist? why is it silver? does
New Forest poet Damian Kelly-Basher appointed Hampshire Poet Laureate

New Forest poet Damian Kelly-Basher appointed Hampshire Poet Laureate

After a countywide search, the hunt for the Hampshire Poet is over. Damian Kelly-Basher from Brockenhurst was selected from a very strong field of writers from all over Hampshire who applied for the sought-after post.  The appointment of the Hampshire Poet takes place every two years and is jointly led by Winchester Poetry Festival and
Book Review: Vague Wisdom by Will Vigar

Book Review: Vague Wisdom by Will Vigar

By Anita Foxall Will Vigar’s new poetry collection, Vague Wisdom, should be top of your shopping list  if you are looking for a good poetry book.  It is rich in images and memories, some borrowed from art and cinema, some very personal. Poetry has always been present in his life, though he states: “There have
Winchester Poetry Festival 2023 attracted participants from across the globe

Winchester Poetry Festival 2023 attracted participants from across the globe

Image: Isabelle Baafi – Winchester Poetry Prize 2023 winner. The first full Winchester Poetry Festival weekend since the pandemic  proved that poetry still excites and delights people of all ages. Almost 1000 tickets were sold, with many events reaching capacity. This year attendees travelled to Winchester from all over the UK, and from all over
New writing group comes to October Books in Southampton

New writing group comes to October Books in Southampton

A new writing group, The Portswood Writers Circle, has recently launched at independent bookshop October Books. The group will next be meeting on Monday 22nd May. The aim of the group is to create a welcoming and encouraging environment in which local writers of all genres, styles, and experience can explore the creative process together.
Meet the author: Tamar Hodes

Meet the author: Tamar Hodes

by Carolyn Thomas.  This occasional In Common series introduces authors with a connection to Southampton or  Hampshire – they may have been brought up here, or live here now, or use the area as a setting for their work. Kicking things off is Tamar Hodes, currently living in Bassett, Southampton, whose bohemian childhood on the
Short story: Love Among the Branches

Short story: Love Among the Branches

by Tamar Hodes. Love among the Branches, by Southampton author Tamar Hodes, was originally commissioned for Radio 4 back in 1999. Look out for an author profile on In Common, coming soon. Richard stood at the open door, planks of timber stacked at his side like skis. “I’ve come to build the treehouse,” he said.
Short story: Automatic Zen Garden

Short story: Automatic Zen Garden

by Damian Bemben. “One can accomplish something only so long as one cannot accomplish everything” – Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad swish swosh swash it felt at peace. the motor slowly turned. Methodically. Within the large garden next to the perfectly uniform bonsai trees, cut by the artificial gardener and in the eyeline of the robotic
Short story: Beauty by algorithm

Short story: Beauty by algorithm

by Damian Bemben. Its beauty was evident in the photograph. Her looks were perfect. A poreless face upon a soft landscape of a calm sea. The sunset in the background was without fault too, the sky creating a perfect burnt ember to crystalline twilight. He had high cheekbones, a neat nose, catlike eyes. It’s lips
Short story: Odd Bods and Sky Gods

Short story: Odd Bods and Sky Gods

by Alex Thurley-Ratcliff.   It was the last day of April and the village was preparing for the May Day festival. Evermore as it had been ever, and ever would The May Queen, the Ash King, a dance around the Maypole, a drink and a wink and, if too much of either, there’d be leisure
Short story: RED

Short story: RED

by Alex Thurley-Ratcliff. The fairyland of movies is sterile…. but completely safe, sweet, pretty and non-threatening. It is therefore highly appealing for those who fear reality The real world is not safe, not predictable. But it is infinitely more rewarding, satisfying and thrilling. It is authentic and scary and where we find the truth.  
Creative writing: Doom comes to Millbrook

Creative writing: Doom comes to Millbrook

In Common has a platform for people to share creative writing – short stories, observations, poem etc. Today, we’re sharing a Halloween offering from a local writer. Please get in touch if you would like your work to be featured: by Oli Jacobs. He arrived at precisely 8:42PM, and immediately brought a sense of
Creative writing: poetry by Meg Sherman

Creative writing: poetry by Meg Sherman

Meg Sherman has been writing poetry since 2016, and has since written more than 1000 poems. Meg says: ” I always longed to write blistering romantic poetry that transcends the realm of the mortal and is forged in divine fire, but I didn’t have the necessary creative flow, until a series of visionary spiritual experiences
Creative writing: poetry by The Village Boy

Creative writing: poetry by The Village Boy

Born in the UK, The Village Boy is a written and spoken word poet of Sierra Leonean descent. Inspired by the power of words as a medium and his love of music he integrates the two to create a journey through the emotional psyche. In Sierra Leone the term “It takes a Village” is often
Creative writing: Home for the Holidays

Creative writing: Home for the Holidays

by Katie Isham. “I know, I’m completely heartbroken I can’t make it this year,” I bite my lip as the smile bubbles up again and I thank the lord I didn’t FaceTime. The one time my mother’s lack of technological ability has worked in my favour.  If she could see me wearing my Die Hard
Creative writing: Parking Level 4 (ish)

Creative writing: Parking Level 4 (ish)

In Common has launched a regular platform for people to share creative writing – short stories, observations, poem etc. Please get in touch if you would like your work to be featured: by Oli Jacobs.   If there is a Hell, then no better is it defined that the attempt to buy Xmas gifts
Creative writing: On Weston Shore

Creative writing: On Weston Shore

by Charlie Hislop. ON WESTON SHORE “Stand.” A strong word and the hooves quieted on the tarmac. The horse’s head rears up and dips, shaking out a thick mane and rattling its bridle irons, then stills as it looks out across the shore to where the low tide has left exposed the orangey brown stones
Creative writing: Flatten Your Enemies

Creative writing: Flatten Your Enemies

by Tom Husband. If the spirit of adventure had led me into my unfortunate meeting with Randall, I might have handled it better. I’d strayed off the beaten path down a gloomy alleyway that ran between the back of the science block and the perimeter of our lavish school grounds. I could have been carelessly