Southampton Tenants Union aims to tackle bad maintenance and black mould

Southampton Tenants Union aims to tackle bad maintenance and black mould

The newly-formed Southampton Tenants Union is holding a meeting tomorrow evening (December 15) at October Books 189, Portswood Road. 

The group has decided to take action on the issue of bad maintenance leading to mould and the consequential physical and mental health issues.

Campaigning ideas are all welcome.

“We need all the help we can get to make the Tenants Union work for this area, so come and join other tenants so that we can help each other,” said an organiser.

The event take place at 7pm.

The initiative was initiated by Positive Money Solent and supported by Southampton Area Co-operative Agency (SACDA), Hamwic Housing Co-operative, and Unite Community Southampton. 

For more information, find Southampton Tenants Union on social media: 

Twitter: @StonTenantsUnion

Facebook: Southampton Tenants Union


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