Positive Money Solent teaming up with Southampton Tenants Union to help the people of Southampton

Positive Money Solent teaming up with Southampton Tenants Union to help the people of Southampton

Positive Money Solent and Southampton Tenants Union will be talking to people on the streets of Southampton this month.

The two groups will be at Kingsland Market from 11am to 2pm on Thursday 12th January with both a Positive Money stand and a Southampton Tenants Union stand.

“If you can, please come and see us. We have plenty to say and plenty to learn about,” said a spokesperson.

Regarding housing advice, theyare collaborating with Housing, Community, and Legal Support Panel an organization led by Wilson Bennet. Wilson was a solicitor and barrister but retired and has joined STU. The groups have secured a room in an adjacent building so that private discussions can be held. 

Meanwhile, Positive Money Solent will be holding its first discussion meet-up on Sunday 5th February at Gods House Tower from 2:pm to 4pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Twitter: @StonTenantsUnion

Facebook: Southampton Tenants Union


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