Exhibition celebrating connections to the sea in Southampton comes to October Books with a launch event

Exhibition celebrating connections to the sea in Southampton comes to October Books with a launch event

A new exhibition, celebrating our connection to the sea, comes to the community room at October Books in Portswood, Southampton, in April.

Take me to the Sea exhibition launches on Thursday, April 6, with a special event for all ages being held from 4pm to 7pm.

The evening offers the opportunity to join local creative people ‘who know how to party’ as well as Rebecca Kinge and Deb Wilkes for the launch of their exhibition, which celebrates our connections to the sea and water in our city and our access to it.

A participatory and interactive exhibition, the launch event will set the scene for the month of April. There’ll be music, workshops and creative conversations (as well as chips and ice cream).

On Saturday, April 22, there will be a Making Waves Fun Day. Running11am-3pm,  this will involve Fishy Tales at 11.30am with Michael O’Leary Storyteller, Stitch-the-Sea and Lego-the-Land making activities all day, Jellyfish making with Chris Townsend, and Sea Shanties from 3pm.

An organiser said: “People in Southampton regularly say they wish there was more access to waterside locally. We plan to collect your experiences as part of the exhibition about the barriers to getting to the places you love, in order to influence the development of local services and projects.”

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