Keep Train Ticket Offices Open rally being held in Southampton next week

Keep Train Ticket Offices Open rally being held in Southampton next week

Southampton People’s Assembly will be holding a rally on Monday, July 24th as part of ongoing Keep Train Ticket Offices Open action.

The rally will take place outside Southampton Central train station between 4.30pm and 6pm.

A spokesperson said: “Ticket offices are critical for safety, security, accessibility and passenger service. Threats to close nearly 1,000 ticket offices protect the profits of train companies ad cut the jobs of loyal staff. After a very successful session on Thursday, campaigners in Southampton will again be talking to rail users and telling them what can be done to halt the insane plan to close all station ticket offices.”

Organisers are encouraging people to sign and share the RMT petition, write to their MP, sign the Parliamentary petition and complete the consultation, which closes on July 26th

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