Plans announced for Southampton’s Remembrance Service and Parade

Plans announced for Southampton’s Remembrance Service and Parade

The Southampton Remembrance Service and Parade will take place on Sunday, November 12.

Military contingents and the City of Southampton (Albion) Band will leave Guildhall Square at 10.35am and head towards the Cenotaph in Watts Park, where the annual Remembrance Service will begin shortly before 11am. The service is expected to last around one hour, and everyone is welcome to attend.

The Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Southampton Councillor Valerie Laurent, Vice Lord-Lieutenant Colonel Charles Ackroyd TD RD DL, and Superintendent Chief Inspector Marcus Kennedy will be in attendance along with other key members of Southampton City Council.

More than 2000 poppies have been knitted and donated by communities across Southampton this year to create a display at the Cenotaph for Remembrance and in local libraries. After the service, the poppies will be stored and then displayed at The Cenotaph for each year.

For residents unable to attend the Remembrance Parade and Service, a highlight video will be shared across Southampton City Council social media channels on the afternoon of Sunday 12 November 2023.


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