Review: Millie Manders and the Shutup, Bournemouth Anvil

Review: Millie Manders and the Shutup, Bournemouth Anvil

Words and pictures by Billy Perett.

As soon as I walked into the venue  I could feel that the energy was extremely high – everyone was happy to be there and so excited to see these amazing bands perform and they did not disappoint.

Voodoo Radio put on an incredible opening act and got the crowd more than amped up. Listening to the lead singer’s drum patterns on such a simple rig was a true testament to how skilled this band is, not to mention the strong vocals and amazing guitar. One of the big stand out moments for me was when Paige dedicated a song to one of the people in the crowd. I loved this because it felt like everyone was then a part of their show and not just spectating.  Voodoo Radio put on an incredible support show and really helped everyone get amped for the headliners.

When Millie Manders and The Shutup came out the crowd went wild. The energy everyone brought to the stage was so special to witness.

The crowd were dancing from the start of the set all the way till the end, showing real dedication to the show. Watching the band’s chemistry on stage was so good to see  – you could tell that off the stage they are all great friends and that just bleeds out into their performance.

A huge highlight for me was watching how much fun the band was having on the stage. The music itself was a great combination of talent and meaning with powerful lyrics and the instrumentals to back it up. In between songs the band were interacting with the crowd and making everyone feel safe, with trigger warnings before certain songs. They even had people chanting to specific songs which changed the atmosphere of the whole show bringing everybody closer together even giving me goosebumps at one point.

After the show the band took selfies and chatted with the crowd, which was lovely to watch. Millie Manders and the Shutup put on an all-around sensational show with high energy and great music.

The time I spent at this show flew by despite it being two and a half hours. Everybody there had such a good time.  I would highly recommend seeing these bands if you get a chance.

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