Carolyn Thomas – writer

Carolyn Thomas – writer

Throughout my working life as a journalist, I’ve been lucky enough to cover a wide range of subjects from computers to jewellery, telecoms to soap powder and, most recently, lots about education.

Currently I write books about music and its makers, dead or alive, ranging from the young stars of K-pop and country through to legends like Elvis and Elton.

But despite staring at words day in, day out, I still love to read for pleasure. Because I write factual stuff and read so much non-fiction for research, I turn the pages of fiction to relax. Anything with some social history goes down well. I also have massive FOMO about new releases so read lots of those, alongside the odd classic for balance.

So with my inner book worm always hungry for more words, I snapped up the chance to take over the books column for In Common. Although I’ve generally kept my literary opinions to myself and my book club, I couldn’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to get more involved with local publishing.

I’d love to make the books section as interactive as possible. Please get in touch with any ideas and suggestions. Also let me know if you’d be interested in reviewing books too – I can’t do them all myself! Email:

Read more from Carolyn:

Books column: Under the Covers – the Christmas wish list

New books column: Under the Covers