Preview: Suggs: What a King Cnut – A Life in the Realms of Madness, Southampton & Winchester

Preview: Suggs: What a King Cnut – A Life in the Realms of Madness, Southampton & Winchester

Madness front man, Suggs, is back on the road with his one man show, and he’s coming to MAST Mayflower Studios on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 October and Theatre Royal Winchester on October 9. 

From the tough streets of North London to the roof of Buckingham Palace – Suggs has been there and has a story to share. This year, he is sharing more from those experiences, and many more tales, from his throne as King Cnut – in Suggs: A Life In The Realm Of Madness.

This show follows on from his previous smash hit tour, My Life Story, in which Suggs told how he got there. This time out, he shares the surprises waiting for him on his arrival. 

Joined by his trusty pianist, Deano, Suggs tells his story in words and music, with the help of some Madness classics and his own tracks, weaving a tale which is sure to delight fans.

Suggs, real name Graham McPherson, says: “If the first show was about how on earth I got to where I am, then this one is about what happened when I got there.

“The stories include suffering vertigo on the roof of Buckingham Palace, nearly blowing the closing ceremony of the Olympics, and the embarrassing stuff that happened at Glastonbury.

“I’ve always been waiting for a tap on the shoulder and to be asked ‘What are you doing here, sunshine?’. It’s surreal really, to look back at 12-year-old me compared to everything that’s happened since. Madness, you might say!”



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