Girlguiding is now welcome girls from the age of four

Girlguiding is now welcome girls from the age of four

Girlguiding – the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK – has officially opened its doors to four-year-olds. 

Rainbows, the charity’s youngest section now welcomes girls from the age of four up to seven-years-oldPreviously girls had to be aged five to join Rainbows, which was established in 1987. 

Emily Merlow from Southampton says she was delighted to learn that her daughter Elizabeth (pictured) could become a Rainbow from the age of four. 

 A member of 1st Southampton Rainbows in Swaythling, four-year-old Elizabeth “absolutely loves” the weekly sessions, according to her umm. 

 “She runs in with a big smile on her face every week and always comes out so full of chatter,” said Emily, an IT project manager.

“She can’t wait for Wednesdays as she knows that’s Rainbows night. When she started I knew that she would be one of the youngest there but we decided to give it a go and haven’t looked back. The leaders were very reassuring and it’s such a nurturing environment. It doesn’t matter if the girls are at different stages, they all help each other and have so much fun.” 

In Rainbows, girls are encouraged to gain skills in areas such as exploration, storytelling, construction and nature, and even think about what it means to have a healthy mind. 

Bronwyn Powell, the leader of 1st Southampton Rainbows already has several four-year-olds in her unit.

“We are delighted to welcome four-year-olds to our unit,” said Bronwyn, who is studying Archaeology at the University of Southampton.  “The older girls really help them and it is great to see how much Rainbows boosts their confidence, whatever their age. It’s such fun and no two weeks are ever the same.” 


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