Transition Southampton AGM offers a chance to find out more about environmental group

Transition Southampton AGM offers a chance to find out more about environmental group

Environmental group Transition Southampton is holding its AGM this month, offering an opportunity to find out more about the group and the projects it runs in the city. 

Transition Southampton believes in a positive, sustainable, community imagined future. 

The group works with local communities, organisations and local governments to create positive, sustainable, community-based solutions that tackle climate change and energy scarcity. It is part of the international Transition Network, and has a range of active and past projects across food, energy, waste, transport and the built environment.

The AGM will be held on Thursday, 23rd February at St Andrews Church.

The organisers promise to keep the business to a minimum so you can enjoy meeting other transitioners and members of other green groups. There will be refreshments on hand and a quiz, with prizes!

Doors open 6:30 for 7pm start.

For more information, visit or on the facebook event.

If you’d like to find out more about joining the Transition Southampton committee, email

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