Night of local music at The Art House to raise funds for community pantry

Night of local music at The Art House to raise funds for community pantry

Hampshire-based singer-songwriter Charlie Smith is hosting a fundraising gig at The Art House, Southampton, to raise money for the venue’s community pantry.

He will be joined by fellow local musicians Bo Gallows, Diego Parks, Simon Maggs and Rhirhi on March 3rd.

The pantry is similar to a food bank but users are not required to provide any proof of income or circumstance. It is available to everyone on a pay-as-you-feel basis. It provides both hot and cold food.

Charlie said: “ The Art House has been struggling and may be forced to shut down the pantry. This would be a shame and with the current situation, I think that would be awful. I will be joined by some other local musicians on the 3rd of March for a great night of local music to raise funds for them. I will personally be doubling any donations up to £100. Tickets are pay what you can, and/or donations of non-perishable food for the pantry.”



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