Meet the author: Tamar Hodes

by Carolyn Thomas.  This occasional In Common series introduces authors with a connection to Southampton or  Hampshire – they may have been brought up here, or live here now, or use the area as a setting for their work. Kicking things off is Tamar Hodes, currently living in Bassett,...

Short story: Love Among the Branches

by Tamar Hodes. Love among the Branches, by Southampton author Tamar Hodes, was originally commissioned for Radio 4 back in 1999. Look out for an author profile on In Common, coming soon. Richard stood at the open door, planks of timber stacked at his side like skis. “I’ve come...

Short story: Automatic Zen Garden

by Damian Bemben. “One can accomplish something only so long as one cannot accomplish everything” – Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad swish swosh swash it felt at peace. the motor slowly turned. Methodically. Within the large garden next to the perfectly uniform bonsai trees, cut by the artificial gardener and...

Short story: Beauty by algorithm

by Damian Bemben. Its beauty was evident in the photograph. Her looks were perfect. A poreless face upon a soft landscape of a calm sea. The sunset in the background was without fault too, the sky creating a perfect burnt ember to crystalline twilight. He had high cheekbones, a...

Short story: Odd Bods and Sky Gods

by Alex Thurley-Ratcliff.   It was the last day of April and the village was preparing for the May Day festival. Evermore as it had been ever, and ever would… The May Queen, the Ash King, a dance around the Maypole, a drink and a wink and, if too...