Photos: Queen Anne maiden voyage

Words: Mabel Wellman. Main image: Callum Linklater.  At 9pm on Friday, 3rd May, the Cunard’s Queen Anne ship began her maiden voyage from Southampton. The Queen Anne will first stop at La Coruña, Spain and then Lisbon, Portugal before returning to Southampton on the 10th May. The maiden voyage...

Art on the House on display at Southampton’s Art House


As reported in In Common back in February Southampton cultural stalwart The Art House has been working on one last huge collaborative artwork before they leave their base at 178 Above Bar Street to become a pop-up provider of “happenings”. The piece – assembled by local multi-media artist Nicola...

Art on the House project at The Art House, Southampton

The final season of Southampton’s grassroots cultural stalwart The Art House is in full swing with every week packed with gigs as artists queue up for “one last show” in the much loved venue. The Art House will no longer have a permanent, bricks and mortar home but will...

Southampton’s exhibition with the Keepers Artists Group


Southampton’s  Keepers Artists Group are holding their latest exhibition in Southampton City Art Gallery’s foyer. The exhibition features a wide array of artworks from paintings, ceramic, willow weaving and recycled/upcycled creations. The Keepers Artists Group is a non-profit group of artists temporarily based on East Street in Southampton city...

Artists reunite in aid of a good cause at Hampshire Open Studios


Local landscape artist Charlotte Rose is joining forces with Eastleigh-based Donna McGhie in her studio in Winchester, as part of Hampshire Open Studios from 19th – 28th August. This year, visitors will be able to unleash their creativity on a blank canvas that will be added to throughout the...

Photos: butterflies, a lady and a dragon

By Mike Daish. I have not been very active with my camera recently, but have taken a few pictures here and there. Most have been in my garden where I have spent many hours watching the local wildlife come and go. One of my favorite visitors is the peacock...

Exhibition review: Lost in Transit by Close the Data Gap, October Books


Words by Sarah Groszewski. Photos by Mollie Knight.  Main image: Last Train Home by Annie Farthing.  I’m a feminist with big opinions about transport, so when I heard about ‘Lost in Transit: Finding gendered journeys through art and technology’ I couldn’t wait to visit.   Lost in Transit is an...